About Two Writing Buddies

A blog by and for writers, exploring aspects of the writing life.

We’ve been friends and writing partners for more than 15 years, encouraging each other and telling it like it is when we put on our editing hats. Here we share some of these exchanges and occasionally provide some samples of our writing.

About Robinerobine_thumbnail
I’ve been a teacher, a librarian, an editor, an insatiable reader, and a world traveler. I taught myself to read at 4-1/2 and have been enchanted by the written word ever since. Touching others with my writing as others have touched me with theirs thrills me. In the monthly meetings of MsWrits, our two-person writing group, Denise is the innovator, the one with the greater imagination as she peels away her technical writer outer layer to reveal a rich fantasy world in her writing. She urges me to experiment. She also feeds me delicious vegetarian meals when it’s her turn to host our meeting.

About DeniseDF_doc_head_shot
I’ve been a waitress, a wanderer, a silversmith, a journalist, an editor, and a technical writer (finally, something that pays). I’ve always thought that stories are true magic and writers are wizards. It’s taken me a long time to believe that I can wield the magic. Robine has encouraged me to write for as long as I’ve known her. She has a sharp eye, a wry sense of humor, and a practical approach to everything. Her cauliflower curry is to die for.

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